The Prajyoti Niketan College NSS units 85 & 183 celebrated Reading week from 19/06/2021 to 25/06/2021. To realize the importance of reading, volunteers from each department organized different activities during this week. The programmes which are conducted by NSS units in our college are listed as follows:

  • Commerce Department :-Tongue Twister Competition and presentation of video about the history of reading day on June 19th


  • Computer Science Department :-Presentation of video about the importance of reading day and introducing a book on June 20th


  • Electronics Department :-Puzzle Completing Competition according to books and their Author’s on June 21st


  • Psychology Department :-Book review Competition, presentation of video on introducing my favorite book by different students and Collage making on June 22nd


  • English Department:-Essay writing Competition on June 22nd and Presentation of video on Books and Technology on June 23rd.


Introducing a book by sharing PDF version of the book to different social media groups throughout this week.