Prajyoti Niketan (Pra : Supreme, Jyoti : Light, Niketan : Centre = Centre of the Supreme Light) is a vision of Redeeming Love. God is Love. God is Redeemer.Thus God is Redeeming Love. Redeeming Love is the Supreme Light. Light for our life invlolved in daily struggles, and through them called to grow greater than our natural size to divine size (Mt.5.48) e.g. Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa. They became divine in the process of becoming original responses to the call of Redeeming Love so that the hungry, sick, homeless and suffering (Mt.25.35ff.) and those who generously respond to their cry may have life in its fullness/ wholeness (Jn.10.10).

Prajyoti Niketan is an International Centre for Research, Training and Service in Wholistic approach. It is a Registered Christian Charitable Society (Regd.N.806/91). Prajyoti Niketan Society owns and manages its College. In 1994, Dr.K.R.Narayanan, the then Vice-President of India laid the Foundation Stone for Prajyoti Niketan and in 1996, Dr.Sankar Dayal Sharma, the then President of India initiated our Holistic Health Care Facility.

Prajyoti Niketan College sanctioned in 1994 and started in 1995,is affiliated to the University of Calicut and Govt. Aided. Mere career specific can cause unemployment. Hence, we set up mainly  entrepreneurial and service oriented courses to  encourage healthy progress. By dint of hard work our students stand to gain as our Vision, Mission and Values shape everything to their advantage. From the very inception of this college Holistic Approach had been our main thrust.  In Holistic approach the whole is greater than the sum total of all its parts put together; i.e. the greater powers of a wholesome personality compared to its unwholesome state. It can be written as “Holistic” (Greek) or as “Wholistic” (English).

At Prajyoti Holistic approach, thus leads the field and it comes into its own to countermand party politics, strike, ragging and other newfangled trivia. We encourage proactive programmes. For at Prajyoti education means formation of the whole person with excellence. We are reckoned among the best Colleges with the highest Ranks in the University of Calicut; but the First Rank in all the Courses offered was a rare honour Prajyoti alone could claim.

Our students have a sense of being at the cutting edge of education. Some of the bright and motivated students find their way to Prajyoti. Here, not always the brightest secure ranks, but the disciplined, within Holistic values, at the direction of their Mentors and those who generously respond with creativity and originality. Students on Management Quota often clawed their way to top notches where together with those on Merit Quota they laid themselves out on an ascending sway. Among them emulation gave way to friendly rivalry and several were set to soar away excellence on mere fractions of a point. Thus we had the best ever results. This phenomenon is eloquent on our Holistic Vision and the ability of our Staff to bring out the best in every student.

Dr.Fr.Harshajan Pazhayattil, the Founder-Director of Prajyoti Niketan College is the only one in Asia with a Doctorate in Holisitc approach under Dr.Rollo May (USA), its very Founder. In 2008, J.C.Intern’l conferred on Dr.Fr.Harshajan the award for the best College in the region.


Prajyoti ! Jyoti !! Prajyotirgamaya !!!
Lead us from ignorance, inauthenticity, irresponsibility,
Exploitation, communalism, and the stress & tension they produce,
Lead us to wholeness in the ever deeper consciousness of unity in Love,
And the peace, inner freedom, growth and wholesome progress that follow,
Lead us to be Spirit-filled, disciples of Your Light, as Love Redeeming,
So that we may be at the service of those who hunger for wholeness
And grow greater than our natural size to divine size.
Prajyoti ! Jyoti !! Prajyotirgamaya !!!


As a Christian Institution, our Supreme value is God. God is Love; God is Redeemer. Thus, God is Love Redeeming and Our Heavenly Father. Hence, God is:

  • Love Infinite, yet Most Personal: God in infinite ways incarnates in us to let us grow and excel. Hence, at Prajyoti, education means formation of the whole person at the touch of God.

  • Love Incarnate: to give us Redeeming God-experience in the simplicity of (Crib) our life; and in our deprivations. Hence, Campus virtues: Respect for simplicity, human dignity, our bodily existence, human weakness, our enlightened posture, and love of the poor & nature.

    • Respect research, creativity, human labour and everything native to customize creation;
    • Be exposed to nature; then lectures will become wisdom. Nature can take us to God;
    • Be involved, yet detached to grow bigger than natural size to Divine size (Mt.5.48).
  • Love Universal: irrespective of culture or creed God loves us all as His own children. Hence, Campus virtues: Universal attitude, universal outlook and divine & universal vision & mission;

    • Make every step a step towards universal brother/sisterhood of all in order to grow divine
    • Let universal Love conquer pettiness & narrowness to grow great and achieve excellence;
    • Listen to the deepest truth in nature and in human hearts to maintain universal fellowship;
    • Accept social responsibility for universal wholeness starting with oneself and one’s world
    • Opt for the poor and the least to bring about universal Rhythm of Love (Mt.25.35ff.).
  • Love Inseparable: irrespective of creed or culture build up inseparable unity of all peoples. The Campus virtues: forgive, reconcile and share to bring about Wholeness of life (Jn.10.10). If heaven is Love; if heaven is eternal, our relationships need to be inseparable in love.

    • Lord! Make me an instrument of Your Peace;
    • Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon;
    • Where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
    • Where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
    • Grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled as to console;
    • To be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love;
    • For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    • And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. (St.Francis Assisi)
  • Love at the level of the Cross: self-sacrificing and self-giving in order to grow universal and inseparable in Love and to experience one’s greatness and divineness as the basis of real excellence in life. Hence, Campus virtues: Principled and disciplined life for maximum freedom to grow great and to shun violence, ragging, party-politics, etc. (Ref. College Hand Book for Regulations)
    No cross, no crown; Jesus who died out of Love rose from the dead; and the humiliating Cross became a symbol of glory. God is most genuine Love. Genuineness is subject to test. Test consists in sacrifice. Love at the level of the Cross lays open genuineness of God’s Love. Genuine love is humble love. Humble love touches hearts. Hence, Jesus washed the feet of the Apostles to touch their hearts and thus to give them God-experience. If you feel really touched by the genuineness of your own love, forgiving spirit, self-emptying generosity, etc. God who is genuine Love has touched you, and to that extend you have grown divine. This is your reward –growing divine daily in the process of bringing about wholeness/ the Rhythm of Love (Mt.25.35ff.).


  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for the uneducated and for those deprived of wholeness through injustice, poverty, disability, unemployment and environmental rip-off;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for total health care, integrated growth & development through education as formation of the whole person with entrepreneurial leadership;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for nature, its integrity, agriculture for healthy food, nano tech. for wholesome production, protective culture and national integration;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for the complementary role of sexes for sharing love, growth, stability and sacrifice in family life – the cradle of human life and growth;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for youth – our hope and future, for relevant social change and unity in diversity against insularity of digital world;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a concern for wholeness by bringing about humans close to nature, closer to each other, and closest to God as Love universal and Redeeming;

  • Prajyoti Niketan is a global concern for wholeness in the individual, family, society, nation and the universe; for lack of wholeness and the consequent illness in human life and evils in society are not a regional problem, but global.


  • Holistic Approach for Growth through struggles is our declared objective; Hence, education means formation of the whole person with excellence

  • We take pride of place in the University as the first job-oriented College; As the first service-oriented and leadership-oriented College

  • Not a day lost in strikes. Our disciplined youth is doing the country proud

  • In the College the poor total 50% to 60%. Obviously “quota” does not solve the problem of the masses as well we do, in social response to “Love Universal

  • Here access (“quota”) and quality close ranks; yet we excel in Ranks

  • We have set our rainbows in “Love Universal & Genuine”(God) to let us free from petty communalism, party politics, ragging and campus trivia

  • Everything at Prajyoti bears out our Indian cultural priorities within our Vision. Each year we would like to go one better by beating our own record

  • Prajyoti Niketan College is the only aided College in Kerala without campus politics.

  • Imbibed the essence of NEP-2021 in 1995 itself.

  • Integration and Assimilation of Indian Cultural Ethos and Values

  • Ensconced in the lap of nature with Commitment towards Earth and Mankind

  • Yoga Consciousness imparted as part of the syllabus of M Sc Clinical Psychology

  • Peaceful co-existence among varieties of flora and fauna