C01 – to make the students media literate and gauge media messages judiciously and objectively

CO2 – to enlighten the students with an understanding of the origin and growth of the Print Media

CO3 – to help them analyse the challenges faced by Print Media in the Digital Era

CO4 – to energize the students with the scope and advantages of New Media

CO5 – to help the students comprehend the ‘modus operandi’ of Fourth Estate in a democratic country


CO1 – to provide the students practical knowledge in reporting and editing

CO2 – to introduce them to other journalistic practices like PR and Advertising

CO3 – to analyse the functioning of media with regard to Advertising and Public Relations

CO4 – to train them in the practical and professional aspects of Journalism

CO5 – to make them professionally competent and ethically prudent throughout the  course of their career and life



  • Understand the functioning of the three organs of the government.
  • Equip the students to conduct mock parliament
  • Inculcate the values and ideals of the constitution among the students.
  • Analyse and understand the history of constitution making in India.
  • Understand the philosophy of the constitution.
  • Make the students aware about Fundamental Rights.
  • Encourage the students practice the Fundamental Duties.


  • To understand federalism and its application in India.
  • To identify the powers and functions of central and state governments
  • To analyse the issues in centre state relations.
  • To evaluate the Constitutional and statutory bodies kike Finance commission,  NITI Aayog, planning commission and
  • To learn Amendment procedure and its significance.
  • To identify and evaluate programmes and policies of political parties



  • To introduce the most essential and fundamental aspects of cell biology and basics of genetics
  • To create awareness about the genetic and molecular aspects of neural physiology


  • Students can understand  different basic aspects of cell biology and molecular biology
  • Students would be able to identify various molecular factors   that influence  different  anatomical and  physiological aspects of neural physiology
  • Get an idea about the scope  of molecular biology in unravelling the structural and functional mystery of nervous system


  • To give extensive information on the structural and functional details of the nervous system with special emphasis on the NS.
  • To introduce the students about states of brain activities and neural physiology of sleep
  • To equip them with the basic information about the  brain imaging techniques in neurophysiology.


  • Equipped to explain structural and functional details of nervous system
  • Get an insight regarding various states of brain activity
  • Understand the neuro physiological background of sleep
  • The student would be able to  describe basic brain imaging techniques in neurophysiology


  • To familiarize students of Psychology with structural and functional aspects of various sensory systems
  • To introduce them about different neural pathways of sensory systems and perception of various senses.
  • To familiarize students with the endocrine system


  • Acquisition of knowledge regarding structural and functional details of various sensory systems
  • Get an idea about different neural pathways of various senses
  • Understand neurophysiological basis of different sensory perception
  • students would be able to describe how endocrine system helps in physiological coordination in collaboration with nervous system


  • To familiarize the students of Psychology with the most essential and fundamental aspects of physiological processes underlying psychological events like hunger, thirst, sexual behaviour and emotion.
  • To introduce the students about brain damage and Neuroplasticity


  • Students can explain the neurophysiological basis of hunger, thirst, sexual behaviour and emotion.
  • Get an idea about  various brain damages and neuro plasticity.


Course Objectives
1.To know the history and evolution of poems and short stories in Malayalam literature
2.purpose of poem is to present emotions and making cool and critic
3.To introduce short stories to the students for a critical analysis and improve their reading habit
Course Outcomes
1.Understand the history and evolution of poems and short stories
2.Understand and critic the ancient aesthetical aspects
3.Improoved reading habits and critical thinking

Course Objectives
1.History and development of poems
2.Important movements in Malayalam poems such as romanticism realism classism etc.
3.Futuristic evolution in Malayalam poems
4.understand and know more about literary theories

Course Outcome
1.Understand and read more Malayalam poems
2. Got ability to differentiate romantic poems, realistic poems etc.
3.Critical thinking of Malayalam poems
4.Familiar to literary theories

Course Objectives
1.Familiarize pupils with different literary forms
2.To understand western and eastern dramatic reviews
3.Knoe more about autobiography, life stories and memories.
4.Understand the importance of Travelogues in Malayalam literature
Course Outcomes
1.The form of a piece of writing is simply its structure, how it is constructed and organized. Understand that literary forms are like the roots of the literary family tree
2.Understand the western dramatic tradition has its origins in ancient Greece. The precise evolution of its main divisions-tragedy
3.Understand the difference between autobiography, life stories and memories. Read more books in this literary forms.
4.Found that travelogues play an important role in the reconstruction of history. Understand that the travelogue provides us with a detailed account information about the political event, the social condition and about the economic aspects of the people and country
5Inspired to read the famous travelogue by S.K Pottekat

Course Objectives
1.Develop the skills in language for creative writing
2.Know more about the Malayalam writers and their experiences of writing
3.To study the culture and civilization of Kerala
4.Importance of translation, translated books, translation theory, how to translate systematically, computer translation etc.
5.Introducing novel
Course Outcome
1.Understand the technics in creative writings, know more about Malayalam styles of writing
2.Read carefully and critically, compare the writer personal life with their articles
3.Understand Kerala history and culture; Kerala’s geographical background, it’s history from pre historic period to the social reforms movements.
Know more about cultural history, religion caste etc.
4.To found that in a world with 7000 spoken languages, translation is important because it allows people to communicate and understand each other’s ideas and cultures, without having to learn a second language, studied the technics of translation and computer translation
5.Reading many novels to improve creative writing

Course Objectives
1.Role of mother tongue Malayalam in science technology
2. Importance of translation, translated books, translation theory, how to translate systematically, computer translation etc.
3.Understand the importance of Travelogues in Malayalam literature
4.To introduce poem for creative thinking
Course Outcome
1.Get acquainted with science related articles in Malayalam
2. To found that in a world with 7000 spoken languages, translation is important because it allows people to communicate and understand each other’s ideas and cultures, without having to learn a second language, studied the technics of translation and computer translation
3. Found that travelogues play an important role in the reconstruction of history. Understand that the travelogue provides us with a detailed account information about the political event, the social condition and about the economic aspects of the people and country
Inspired to read the famous travelogue by S.K Pottekat
4.Reading ancient and modern poems and improved the ability of critical thinking

Course Objectives
1.Get acquainted with different literary forms
2.Short story-characteristics and importance
3.Novel-chracteristics and importance
4.Drama-characteristics and importance
5.Autobiography,memrosies-characteristiscs and importance

Course Outcomes
1. Understand different types of literary forms and how do they differ from others
2.Understand the term short story and main characteristics such as length, limited number of character, subject matter etc.
3.Knowing that a novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length, improved in reading novels, understand the famous novelists and their style of writing
4.Understand dramatic features characters etc.
5.Identified the difference between autobiography, life story, memories

Course Objectives
1.Importance of literal, social, cultural articles
2.Importance of translation
3.Importance novel, characteristics of novel
4.Importance of travelogues
Course Outcomes
1.Studied and read many prose articles which include our culture and history
2.To found that in a world with 7000 spoken languages, translation is important because it allows people to communicate and understand each other’s ideas and cultures, without having to learn a second language, studied the technics of translation and computer translation
3. Knowing that a novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length, improved in reading novels, understand the famous novelists and their style of writing
4. Found that travelogues play an important role in the reconstruction of history. Understand that the travelogue provides us with a detailed account information about the political event, the social condition and about the economic aspects of the people and country
Inspired to read the famous travelogue by S.K Pottekat
Course Objectives
1.To know the history and evolution of poems in Malayalam literature, purpose of poem is to present emotions and making cool and critic
2.Short story-characteristics and importance
3.Drama-characteristics and importance
4.Autobiography, memrosies-characteristiscs and importance
Course Outcomes
Understand the history and evolution of poems and short stories
2.Understand and critic the ancient aesthetical aspects
2.Understand the term short story and main characteristics such as length, limited number of character, subject matter etc.
3.Understand dramatic features characters etc.
4.Identified the difference between autobiography, life story, memories


Course objectives
1)To acquaint the students with different forms of thoughts and styles used in Hindi Prose writing. To make them able to express their thoughts in these different forms.
2)To introduce Hindi Drama to the students for appreciation and critical analysis.
3)To help them develop their creative thinking and writing .
Course Outcome
* Approach literary texts in terms of genre, gender and the canon
*Understand and use academic conventions: referencing and bibliography.
*exposed to the origin and development of Hindi drama and its various themes and forms of different ages and stages
*Helps students explore how writers use the resources language as a creativity to explore the entire range of human experience through dramas as a literary form.
Course Objectives
1. Grammar is essential to the study of language. Developing a correct grammar sense is very important for written communication.
2. A student who successfully complete the course should be able to write in Hindi independently in their personal and professional life.
3. Familiarizing the technology of translation with its possibilities.
Course Outcomes
*Understand the differences between spoken and written Hindi .
* Understand the factors that influence use of grammar and vocabulary in speech and writing.
* Understand the different ways in which grammar has been described.
*Define the link between translation theory and translation practice.
*Define the effects of translation theories on translation practice.
*Define the contribution of translation practice to translation theory.
Course Objectives
1. Appreciation of poetry using the best specimens provided in an anthology .
2. Understanding the origin and development of Hindi poetry through selected poems .
Course Outcomes
*Understand the common techniques underlying free verse and traditional forms of poetry .
*Identify personal experiences that can be used when writing poems.
*Understand the basic terminology and practical elements of poetry.

Course Outcomes

  1. To acquaint the students with different forms of thoughts and styles of Hindi fiction.

2. To help them develop their thinking and writing.

Course Objectives

Enables the students to analyze literature and fiction using appropriate theoretical, historical, and cultural apparatus.

*Students get to know various cultures and construction of gender, nation and race throughout the history.

*The prescribed fiction helps the students to learn human values and the behavioral patterns from great works of art, and develops the ability to understand human race.

Course Objectives

To aquaint the students with different forms of thoughts and styles in Hindi Prose writing .

Course Outcomes

* Approach literary texts in terms of genre, gender and the canon .
*Understand and use academic conventions: referencing and bibliography.
* The learner will be aware of socio-political and economic conditions of the society from different periods.

Course Objectives
1.To sensitize the students to the aesthetic,cultural and social aspects of literacy appreciation and analysis.
2.To make them aware of the importance of correspondence and translation .To make them proficient to prepare certain basic kinds of letters independently in their personal and professional life.
3.Familiarizing the technology of translation with its possibilities.

Course Outcomes
*Understand the common techniques underlying free verse and traditional forms of poetry.
*Identify personal experiences that can be used when writing poems Understand the basic terminology and practical elements of poetry.
* Define the link between translation theory and translation practice.
* Define the effects of translation theories on translation practice.
*Define the contribution of translation practice to translation theory
* Understand the importance of correspondance

Course Objectives
To aquaint the students with different forms of thoughts and styles used in Hindi prose writing ,to make them able to express their thoughts in these different forms.
2. To introduce Hindi one act plays to the students for appreciation and critical analysis.
3. To help them to develop their creative thinking and writing .
Course Outcome
* Approach literary texts in terms of genre, gender and the canon.
*Understand and use academic conventions: referencing and bibliography.
*The learner will be aware of socio-political and economic conditions of the society from different periods.
*Be familiar with the theoretical foundations of the genre;
*Be able to compare and contrast the genre with other dramatic forms;
Course Objectives
.Appreciation of literature using the best specimens provided as reading list-understanding literary works as cultural and communicative events – different periods and movements ; literature and society.
Course Outcomes
* Understand the common techniques underlying free verse and traditional forms of poetry
* Identify personal experiences that can be used when writing poems.
*Understand the basic terminology and practical elements of poetry.
*Students get to know various cultures and construction of gender, nation and race throughout the history.
*The prescribed fiction helps the students to learn human values and the behavioral patterns from great works of art, and develops the ability to understand human race.


• To equip the students with statistical system of India
• To learn the basics of Statistics
• To learn some concepts in basic measures of Statistics

Course Outcome
• Understand Statistical system in India
• Understand nature and uses of Statistics

. To equip the students with basics of Probability theory.
• To learn concept of random variables
• To learn same concepts in bivariate case

Course Outcome
• Understand various definitions of Probability
• Introduction of random variables

• To make the students learn about probability distributions
• To make the students learn various sampling designs.

Course Outcome
• Fitting of probability distributions
• Understand sampling methods

• To learn basics of statistical inference
• To learn various tests of hypothesis
• Introduce quality control

Course Outcome
• Understand various definitions and methods of estimation
• Develop different tests of hypothesis
• Understand the basics of Statistical quality control